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H.-S. Jeong†, J. Kim†, K.-I. Jo, J. Kee, J.-H. Choi, J. Koo
Carbon Letters, Accepted (2020)
†: 1st authors
*: Corresponding authors
_ : Members
J Kim, KY Park, I Park, JK Yoo, DH Seo, SW Kim, K Kang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 159 (1), A55-A59 (2011)
J Kim, YU Park, DH Seo, J Kim, SW Kim, K Kang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 158 (3), A250-A254 (2011)
2. Preparation and electrochemical characterization of doped spinel LiMn1.88Ge 0.1 Li0.02O4 cathode material
SW Kim, VG Kumar, DH Seo, YU Park, J Kim, H Kim, J Kim, J Hong, K Kang
Electronic Materials Letters, 7 (2), 105-108 (2011)
1. Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Study of Pyrophosphate-Based Li2–xMP2O7 (M= Fe, Co) for Lithium Rechargeable Battery Electrodes
H Kim, S Lee, YU Park, H Kim, J Kim, S Jeon, K Kang
Chemistry of Materials, 23 (17), 3930-3937 (2011)
5. Fabrication of FeF3 nanoflowers on CNT branches and their application to high power lithium rechargeable batteries
4. Synthesis of multicomponent olivine by a novel mixed transition metal oxalate coprecipitation method and electrochemical characterization
4. Combined First‐Principle Calculations and Experimental Study on Multi‐Component Olivine Cathode for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries
3. Comparative study of Li(Li1/3Ti5/3)O4 and Li(Ni1/2−xLi2x/3Tix/3)Ti3/2O4 (x= 1/3) anodes for Li rechargeable batteries
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