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H.-S. Jeong†, J. Kim†, K.-I. Jo, J. Kee, J.-H. Choi, J. Koo
Carbon Letters, Accepted (2020)
Ph.D. Course
Jungmin Kang (Ph.D. 4th year)
Jinho Ahn (Ph.D. 3rd year)
M.S./Ph.D. Integrated Course
Bonyoung Ku (M.S./Ph.D. 3rd year)
Myungeun Choi (M.S./Ph.D. 3rd year)
Junseong Kim (M.S./Ph.D. 3rd year)
Research Field
Li-ion battery, Na-ion battery, K-ion battery, All-Solid-State battery
E-Mail :
Sangyeop Lee (M.S./Ph.D. 2nd year)
Jihoe Lee (M.S./Ph.D. 2nd year)
Hyunji Kweon (M.S./Ph.D 2nd year)
Research Field
First Principles Caculation, Li-ion battery, Na-ion battery
E-Mail :
Sunghyun Lim (M.S./Ph.D 1st year)
Hyunjin Jang (M.S./Ph.D 1st year)
M.S. Course
Hoseok Lee (M.S. 2nd year)
Research Field
First Principles Calculation, Li-ion battery, Na-ion battery,
K-ion battery
E-Mail :
Jeongwoo Kim (M.S. 2nd year)
Sunha Hwang (M.S. 1st year)
Taegyu Kim (M.S. 1st year)
Lahyeon Jang (M.S. 1st year)
Seyeop Oh (M.S. 1st year)
Jiny Lee (M.S. 2nd year)
Co-advisor (Dr. Jung-Keun Yoo at KIST)
Minsol Kim (M.S. 1st year)
Co-advisor (Dr. Jung-Keun Yoo at KIST)
Junha Kwon
Eunyoung Ryu
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